The Highrise Hippie

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Why Surrender

Want to know how I see it? Yoga is a form of surrender. Releasing expectations of ourselves, removing the many hats we wear day-to-day, and allowing a childlike curiosity to lead the exploration of our depths. No pressure, force or criticism, just an honest and genuine curiosity of where we are today, in this moment. There’s a humility in my practice, as I encounter challenges and successes, I observe my reactions, I learn my tendencies. Through this fearless inventory I have the opportunity to meet parts of myself for the first time 🤝. Right then, in that moment of introduction, that moment of realization, of awareness, I get to decide if what I have encountered is serving me. Physically, mentally, emotionally, Yoga helps us to release what isn’t serving us. To disengage what is only wasting our energy 🚮. From engaging a muscle to engaging in conversation. Through shedding the weight of these, possibly once helpful layers, we begin reconnecting to who we truly are. Through surrender, we are strengthened! 


“When one holds a dream independent of the environment, that’s greatness; overcoming the environment is inextricably linked with overcoming the body and time. In Gandhi’s case, he was not swayed by what was happening in his outer world (environment), he didn’t worry about how he felt and what would happen to him (body) , and he didn’t care how long it would take to realize the dream of freedom (time). He simply knew that all of these elements would sooner or later bend to his intentions. “ Dr. Joe Dispenza