Note to self, “I’m gunna make you so proud!” As a spiritual student I’m taught that releasing expectations will help me find happiness, but that’s not entirely true. As a spiritual teacher I have to tell you, the act alone of releasing expectations is nearly impossible as they are part of the human condition. What we CAN work on is the light in which we view our expectations. Learning to appreciate the contrast. Learning to understand that even the greatest tragedies can be used for our gain and our biggest mistakes can become our strongest improvement. I’m more excited about life, in this moment, than I have been in ages. I have great expectations! I know that a bright and brilliant future awaits me and I want to be everything I can be, I want to shine and glitter in its light! The butterfly’s of excitement I feel can quickly turn to waves of fear if I entertain questioning my abilities. But I know that it’s only through resistance that we become strong, so lean into it! Flex! Stay excited and celebrate everything you are, everything you’re going to be and everyone you have to share your existence with. Expect the absolute best, and know that tough times will only make you stronger!