How to get Flexible

(click title for image) My hamstrings have been SO tight lately so I've been doing more of what I call "intentional sitting". Anyone who knows me, knows I'm rarely on the furniture, I'm always on the floor. Students ask "what can I do to gain flexibility?" All I say is "don't sit on furniture at home." If you're always at that same 90 degree angle at the hips and knees; driving, eating dinner, watching tv, working online, studying, etc., than simply standing up straight will kill. Once you begin "intentional sitting" you realize how much time you'd normally just be.. well, sitting. Probably with the gut hanging and the shoulders slouched. But once you bring intention to simple daily habits, you begin to multitask, you begin to create space. If you bring your laptop to the floor, you give your body no choice but to slowly open up. As you wiggle around trying to find what's comfortable, you learn a lot about your body. Maybe there's no way for you to feel comfortable on the floor yet, that's great, there's a lot of space just waiting to be opened up, that's exciting! Stay positive and just remember to be playful. The most mundane activities can become experimental play, there's no rush, stress or pressure, thinking makes it so. We all have something we are working on. I'm working on opening up my hamstrings and hips, so I can eventually get my lifted leg to straighten in this bird of paradise. What are you working on? How can you implement intentional sitting into your daily habits?