(click title for image) "I wear a necklace because I want to know when I'm upside down." Mitch Hedberg We are so adaptable, sometimes we adapt before we recognize there was anything to adapt to in the first place. Observe your surroundings, beyond physicality, observe the energetic current you're swimming in, against or with. Whatever we do in any given moment, however we think, we become better at it, including negative thinking. Any track of thought imprints in our minds and whichever track we take the most becomes the deepest, until the flow of thought begins to move in that direction without our recognition. Don't let anyone else be the passenger driver in the vehicle of your mind. You are inherently complete, fulfilled and your capacity for love is abundant. Is there more to work on? Of course! Do we need to stop and ask for directions sometimes? Without question! That is why we are given community! Guides, healers, teachers and prophets. I'm sure you can relate to this: telling someone there's a thing they can work on and they deny, deny. It takes them hearing it from multiple, unrelated sources, in order for them to (hopefully) be self contemplative and take notice of the trait you have been attempting to expose. Well, the same is true for ourselves. We are "they" we are someone else's "other", we have just as much to work on, and just as much room to grow, as anyone else. Sometimes the root of our suffering is not in our neighbors garden but our own. Tend to your sacred garden of spirit, weed out what's not necessary and nurture what is. Create your own mental pathways, strengthen the neural networks that fuel your spirit and ignite your soul, shift your perspective. How do you read your state of mind? What is your spiritual barometer? How do you take the pulse of your life? What is the necklace you wear that helps you determine whether or not you're upside down or the world is? Ask, and most important, enjoy the journey of self discovery!