Why not Vegan?

(click title for image) I don’t always go on vegan tangents, but when I do, I speak the truth in love! When was the last time you really thought about what you’re eating. Really, really think about it.... a body part? At the end of the day, if we can live life without taking any, why wouldn’t we?!? Why?! Cuz for moments you experience pleasure?! So you kill for moments?!? Fleeting moments?! So many people say “ew, I could never go hunting/kill an animal/gut a fish/drain the blood from a pig” etc. then they sit down for a steak and pork chops. Out of sight out of mind might be working for your conscious now, but if you’re avoiding the truth, I have to remind you that’s ignorance. Tough love. I love you, I want you to experience the physical vitality and emotional liberation one experiences when they are no longer consuming flesh. There’s no reason to keep doing something that’s incredibly destructive, just because society taught you it’s ok. Or because cavemen did it. I could list a number of other things cavemen did, but people tend to pick and choose the facts they want to address. If we only made decisions that had been made before, or continued to do something just because society made it “acceptable”, how would we ever progress?! That’s just a silly argument. And I’m not posting this to debate with you, I’m just asking you to consider what you’re eating. Then do some research, and make sure it’s not all confirmation bias, from sites that get their money from the very companies that advertise to you. Don’t you think it’s odd that the American Heart Association states that eggs and meat are hazardous to our health, then post recipes with those very “ingredients”?! People, animals, we aren’t ingredients! Please, just ask yourself the hard questions and be diligent in finding the answers. We are blessed to have an abundance of real foods, there is no reason to resort to kill anymore. If you’re going to try and use medical/health excuses it won’t work. Do the research and you’ll find out. Nothing will sway me.